Think Left: Driving in Japan

Driving in Japan: Sometimes one lane roads go two ways!

*Note: All price conversions are current as of Fall 2014. If you are reading this after the fact, know that conversion rates change all the time and you may want to recheck them. This is the website I use to convert USD (and others) to JPY. Thank you!

I remember writing about driving in Japan before I came here. I didn’t want a car, I wanted to glamorously ride the train to work like you see in movies. But the trains here are anything but glamorous (the shinkansen being an exception, I think); they’re kind of expensive and very crowded. They also don’t get you all the way there; with a train there’s always some walking involved, and while that’s nice on a perfect sunny day, what about those typhoons blowing through or the stifling humidity in the summer? No fun! I thought having a car would be a bother, I thought it would be expensive. And I certainly didn’t want to drive on the wrong side of the road! Continue reading

Japan, Travel in Japandriving, driving in Japan, rules of the road

Thank You Everyone!

thank you for blog

Hey all!

It’s been a whole year since I started this blog and started the application process for a job in Japan! Wow, time flies! I just wanted to take a second and thank everyone who’s messaged, commented, emailed, and especially followed my journey through the Interac job process and my journeys in Japan! You all rock and have completely made my day over and over again! I know I’ve been seriously inconsistent since moving here but thank you for sticking with me as a lot of you have! I have a list a mile long of posts that I need to edit and still want to write so it’s definitely going to continue on from here! Here’s to you and I’m excited to share more of my adventures with you! As usual, send me your questions, comments, and concerns. I’d love to put your mind at ease and am always trying to make better and more helpful posts. Let me know how to do that! Take care and dream big!

About Me, Random ThoughtsAbout Me, anniversary, one year of blogging, thank you

An ALT’s Monthly Budget in Japan

Budget and bank book, questions answered!
Budget and bank book, questions answered!

Hello all! Long time no see! ひさしぶり! As usual, my laziness combines with my life to keep me from posting. I’m sorry! But here we go!

This has been one of the most highly requested posts for awhile now, so here it is! I’ve noticed that  at home most people are kind of quiet about their budgets and salaries, but here everyone is pretty open about it. Continue reading

About Me, Hokota-shi, Ibaraki-ken, Interac, Japan, Places in JapanALT, cost of living, cost of living in Japan, how to budget, , monthly budget, questions answered