An ALT’s Teacher Survival Kit

The backpack I take to school every day and the little pouch that holds my Survival Kit!
The backpack I take to school every day and the little pouch that holds my Survival Kit!

Every teacher has a bag of things they can’t do without. Emergency supplies for just in case you have to suddenly Continue reading

About Me, Teaching Englishlesson planning, preparedness, school supplies, survival kit, teacher survival kit, ,

My First Year in Japan: In Pictures!

It’s unbelievable, but one year ago today I left the United States for Japan! Tomorrow marks my 1 year anniversary in Japan (crossing the International Date Line, it’s confusing!) and
I honestly can’t believe how fast this year has flown by. Time’s been moving at light speed!

Never would I have guessed how wonderful and challenging and rewarding this past year has turned out to be, there just aren’t words. Coming here was my first time to ever leave the U.S. and I’m hungry for more! I just wanted to show you some of my favorite memories from the past year (getting my thousands of pictures pared down was really hard!), and though I can’t show you my lovely students (privacy is taken very seriously in Japan) just remember I spend almost all of my time at school working with them and I love every second of it! Continue reading

About Me, Japan, Places in Japan, Travel in JapanALT, anniversary, Japan pictures, living in japan, one year, pictures of Japan, year in Japan

An ALT Packing For Japan: Regrets and…. Regrets


I am a world-renowned overpacker. Seriously! Need some wet wipes? Sure. A flashlight? Gotcha! A snack, some paper, spare socks, a band-aid, Continue reading

About Me, Japan, Pre-Japan, Q&Aadvice, ALT, do's and don'ts, , packing, packing list, suitcase

Graduation Day and Why I Love Living Abroad!

I don’t know how it happened but today’s the day!

Graduation Day!

Yay! It snuck up on me and I also didn’t quite realize how sad it would be… We’ve been practicing for the ceremony for the past two days, and classes for my Jr. High 3rd years have been over for about a week and a half. Through it all I’ve been fine, but I was crying with the best of them when those kids walked out of the gym!

School gym all decked out!
School gym all decked out!

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About Me, Hokota-shi, Interac, Japan, Random Thoughtsgraduation, , Japanese culture, Junior High School, living abroad, Tohoku earthquake